Saturday 15 September 2012


I have been away from this blog for the past 3 months and a lot of things has happened,in June, we visited Nigeria where Zahir got to meet all his family members for the first time, we also attended my bro-in-law's wedding ceremony and I was supposed to write my Chartered Secretary's qualification exams
(which I missed). We had lots of fun and we were spoilt silly by everyone. We came back to Saudi Arabia a day before ramadan started, we also met a lovely Nigerian family with whom we have become quite close, we ve visited them twice and they also came over to visit and brought us some Nigerian foods that I thought we couldn't find here.
Zahir recently turned 6 month on the 3rd of september and that made me realize how fast he is growing up and how slow I was in updating this blog so I decided to make a quick post about his recent achievements. So here we go:
He can now say babababa which you keep saying over and over again
He can roll over both ways
He just recently discovered your toes
He scoot backwards instead of crawling forward
He just started his own little adult food( which he totally hates)
And a lot of other things
Also, he loves watching Tom n Jerry and being read to.
He loves being held by his daddy
He loves when we hang out with other people.
These are stuffs that my blogger blocked brain can come up with for now.
PS: I had to take down the pictures from my blog because of some issues with some bloggers using other people contents without permission,since most of my pictures are personal and they are not signed,I decided to remove them not use pictures again

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