Wednesday 9 May 2012


I sat on the chair thinking of what to do, then about 10mins later, I heard Femi come in, apparently, he also had a change of mind about waiting till 8 pm, so he left the office.Immediately, I took a shower, checked my hospital bag and we were on our way to the hospital,by the time we got downstairs, I had stopped feeling any pain but we still proceeded.

When we got to the Labor ward,I was checked for dilation and effacement and I was still at 1 cm,then the Dr did a scan and she asked if I knew the sex of the baby(I said NO). My urine and blood sample  was sent downstairs to the Lab, then I was hooked to a fetal monitor while a drip was also set up,by that time, I was scared, so i asked what was going on when Femi was told to go and buy as many bottle of fruit juice as possible for me to drink. The Dr asked if I felt the baby move that day as much as i used to,I said no but I felt him move on our way to the hospital after I ate banana and drank water.She told me that i had low blood sugar, so I need to drink as much sugary juice as possible( I was thinking whao,I finished a large pack of chocolate 2 days ago). 

I finished the drip, fetal monitor result showed baby was ok and Lab result came out good.The doctor said it is definitely labor and asked if I wanted to be admitted or I will like to go home to progress.She also said I should tell Femi that we might end up having a csection(I rejected it) and said I will go home.Femi dropped me off at home then went back to resume his duty at work till 11 pm.As per the advise that I was given to walk up and down in order for labor to progress,I started pacing around the house and that was when the nasty pain started, by the time Femi came home, I was in tears but I refused to go back to the hospital( because I didn't want a csection)

Femi went to sleep and I was left alone with the excruciating pains,I can't count how many showers I took, some helped and others just made the pain worse. Occasionally, I will wake Femi to massage my back,by 3 am on Saturday morning,the pain was like 5-7mins apart and getting worse,that was when Femi suggested that we should go back to the hospital and I agreed.

When we got to the hospital this time around, I could not walk to the L&D ward so I was carried in a wheel chair by a nice Phillipino nurse.I was checked for dilation and I had only progressed to 2cm, the Specialist (Dr Poonam) was called and I was given another drip, when Dr Poonam came at about 4:30am she did a scan and saw when I was contracting(she said the contraction was too strong) then she checked again for dilation, I was only 3cm dilated.Then she explained that the baby is very big,that with the contractions I was having,I am supposed to start pushing the baby out but there was no space for baby to make the descent down the birth canal and if we wait further, the baby might go into fetal distress( fetal what??? Tu fi akwa) so the baby will be brought out via surgery meaning a Cesarian Section!!!!

I busted in tears cos my biggest fear just came true but then again I thought the baby's wellbeing is what matters so I gave Femi my consent and he signed the papers.

I was formally admitted to the hospital, I changed into a hospital gown, catheter was inserted( to pass urine) and by 5:50am I was wheeled into the Operation room, where Dr Poonam and the Anesthetist were waiting,I was given oxygen to inhale,I took 2 deep breaths and the last thing I remember was another contraction before I fell unconscious.
And my baby was brought into this world at exactly 6:00am on 3rd of March 2012, weighing 4.195kg, 21 inches in height and scoring 10/10 in his APGAR test!!!!!

P.S: Stay tuned for the post on my post delivery/Saudi hospital experience and my journey to recovery after being cut in half!!!


  1. Unfortunately this is the norm in Saudi, many women are "bullied" into having c sections. The dr gets more money from it , thats why.
    Very common, and in fact happened to me as well, eventhough I'm a nurse and I knew what's going on, in the end after 26h, we had to give in..
    what a horrific experience. Never again!

    But your little one is very cute and the end resutl is the most important:)

  2. Thank you for your kind words,i really appreciate...
